Wednesday, 6 November 2013


Kebiasaannya, tiap kali hijrah, lagu ni yang yang paling famous sekali. so, meh la kita nyanyi dulu. alaaa... kalau malu nak nyayi kuat-kuat, En Hasman boleh la nyanyi dalam hati.. hehe :)

Satu Muharam detik permulaan
Perkiraan tahun Islam hijrah
Perpindahan Nabi dan umat Islam
Dari kota Mekah ke kota Madinah

Atas keyakinan dan iman yang teguh
Kaum Muhajirin dan Ansar bersatu
Rela berkorban harta dan nyawa
Demi menegakkan Islam tercinta

Hijrah itu pengorbanan
Hijrah itu perjuangan
Hijrah itu persaudaraan
Hijrah membentuk perpaduan

Oleh itu mari semua
Kita sambut maal hijrah
Tingkatkan semangat tegakkan syiar Islam
Untuk sepanjang zaman

Satu Muharam detik permulaan
Perkiraan tahun Islam hijrah
Perpindahan Nabi dan umat Islam
Dari kota Mekah ke kota Madinah

Atas keyakinan dan iman yang teguh
Kaum Muhajirin dan Ansar bersatu
Rela berkorban harta dan nyawa
Demi menegakkan Islam tercinta

Oleh itu mari semua
Kita sambut maal hijrah
Tingkatkan semangat tegakkan syiar Islam
Untuk sepanjang zaman
Untuk sepanjang zaman

sebelum tu, korang dah baca doa nie ke belum?? 


Dengan doa ni, kita memohon agar ketika kita mengakhiri perjalan setahun yang bakal ditinggalkan, kita mendapat keampunan daripada Allah SWT atas segala perbuatan kita yang dilarang oleh-Nya. dan jika dalam tahun yang akan ditinggalkan terdapat amal perbuatan yang kita lakukan diredhai oleh Allah SWT, maka kita mohon supaya amal tersebut diterima oleh-Nya

‘Doa Awal Tahun’ dibaca ketika menjelang masuknya tarikh 1 Muharam. Doa ini adalah rentetan daripada‘Doa Akhir Tahun’ yang telah dibaca di penghujung waktu Asar hari terakhir pada 29 atau 30 Zulhijjah tahun sebelumnya.
 'Doa Awal Tahun' boleh dibaca tiga kali yang dilakukan selepas Maghrib, sesudahnya ataupun pada malam 1 Muharam.

Dengan doa ini kita sebagai Mu’min, memohon kepada Allah SWT agar dalam memasuki tahun baru ini, kita dapat meningkatkan amal kebajikan dan ketaqwaan kepada-Nya.
Pengertian hijrah pada aku sebenarnya ialah berubah kepada yang lebih baik.. kalau nak duduk kat takuk yang lama, sampai bila kan??  yup,, memang la bukan senang nak berubah, tapi semua orang memang mampu untuk berubah. just, terpulang pada individu tu sendiri jugak.. so, setiap orang kena lah berubah.. jangan pandai cakap kat mulut je.. tapi hasil tak de pun.. niat kena la selari dengan cara.. tapi kena jugak ingat yang niat tak pernah menghalalkan cara.. so, kena la berwaspada dengan setiap apa yang kita buat.. memang la, ade jugak orang yang berniat nak jadi kaya. kalau nak kaya pun, kenalah betul caranya.. tak perlu nak merompak, mencuri dan buat macam-macam benda yang mampu buat korang kaya dengan cepat.. ha... apa kata kalau korang try buat business sendiri?? bukan tak boleh kaya, boleh... cuma lambat sikit la.. tapi tak pe, sebab usahakan tangga kejayaan? ingat tu ok!

Lagi satu, pada aku hijrah ni tak dapat dilaksanakan kalau kita lupa pada yang kat atas tu.. (ALLAH).. korang kena ingat yang sekuat mana pun kita, sekaya mana pun kita, kita tak kan berjaya tanpa bantuan-Nya.. :) so, korang kenalah renung-renungkan :).. betul la, aku yang bagi nasihat ni9 pun selalu jugak lupa nak bersyukur,, tapi Alhamdulillah ada orang-orang kat sekeliling yang selalu ingatkan dan bantu aku.. 

So, kalu aku la kan, tiap kali hijrah sampai, akan ade saja impian-impian baru untuk menjadi yang lebih baik.. kekadang tu agak susah la jugak nak buat, tapi boleh je, cuma amek masa sikit la.. biasa la, manusia ni kekadang lupa jugak.. tapi, impian aku setiap tahun tak de yang melampau-lampau sampai tak boleh nak capai.. ehemmmm.. haaa sebenarnya niat hijrah tahun ni nk bertunang, tapi Alhamdulillah.. aku dah bertunag awal dari perancangannnya.. so, kenala buat yang baru kan?? hehe sebenarnya, impian aku tiap kali tahun jirah ialah nak bahagiankan keluarga aku dulu.. belajar sungguh-sungguh supaya aku dapat balas jasa mama ayah cepat-cepat.. nak belikan dorang kereta, itu impian aku.. so, setiap hari aku beerusaha untuk itu.. Alhamdulillah.. sekarang pun dah nak habis belajar.. so, lepas ni boleh la balas jasa mama dan ayah.. 

kalau korang pulak macam mana.. apa pengertian hijrah bagi diri korang sebenarnya? heee..                               

Thursday, 24 October 2013


so, hari ni aku dapt task dari lecturer aku untuk tulis blog tentang 3 benda yang aku nak ada kalau aku terdampar dekat pulau. sebenarnya, lecturer suruh present benda ni kat depan kelas.. tapi,,, fuhhhh~~~~~ nasib la bukan nama aku yang naik.. hehe :D sebab mula-mula pun aku tak ada idea pun nak cakap apa.. ramai juga la, kawan2 yang kena present dekat depan kelas, tapi,,

lecturer tak stuju pun dengan jawapan dorang.. lecturer cakap, dia nak tengok daya permikiran kita ni macam mana sebenarnya... puas la aku dok pikir ape ke benda yang 3 ni... 

kalau korang kan, ape yang korang akan bawak ye time korang terdampar kat pulau,,, hmmm tapi kan, honest aku cakap, benda pertama yang aku pikir ialah family aku la... mama, ayah, kakak, adik2,, acececehhhh,,, manja pulak!! 

ok la, back to the main focus.. kalau aku la kan, aku nak ada Al-Quran, Gambar family & Pisau la.. :) :

kenapa, kenapa dan kenapa????

memang betul la orang cakap kan, kita ni manusia selalu je lupa kan Allah.. time susah baru la nak ingat.. tapi aku percaya yang Al-Quran memang penting sebagai pedoman dan penunjuk jalan... time kita diduga macam ni, time tu kita rasa Allah la yang paling dekat dengan kita,... korang tak rasa ke macam tu?? kalau aku rase stressed atau hilang punca nanti, akau harap Al-Quran ni mampu la tenangkan aku... mungkin tak de la pandai sangat bace on tajwid nye,,, tapi aku masih mampu membaca.. tak de niat pun nak jadi skema ke ape.. tapi betol la cakap mama aku.. mama selalu cakap, kita ni slalu je lupa Allah, time susah baru la terhegeh2 cari Allah minta bantuan.. kan??? uisshhhh sedih pulakkkk -__-

why why why??? ha.... ni lagi 1 hal ni, aku ni tak de manje sangat pun dengan family aku., eh,, betol ni, tak manja pon.. aku ada ramai lagi adik2 yang kecik, so nak bermanje pun tak berapa nak sempat la pun.. ;) tapi aku rasa, kalau boleh time aku terdampar kat pulau tu, aku nak la tengok gambar family aku.. bukan la ape... tapi sebagai pendorong untuk terus hidup... aku mesti la kuat untuk cari jalan keluar dan semoga aku boleh la jumpa dengan family aku semua... family aku ni nyawa aku tau... tak de dorang nanti, entah macam mana la dengan hidup aku nantikan.. :')

haaaa... pisau la... untuk membunuh... tapi bukan la orang.. :p nak bunuh binatang la... kalau dah dalam hutan, naka makan ape kan.. so, kena la jerat binatang dan makan.. kalau tak de pisau, kau nak hempuk binatang tu kasi mati ke camne?? hehe tak kan?? amboiiii kejam sangat tu... lagi pun , bagi aku, pisau ni penting sebagai senjata untuk mempertahankan diri dari serangan binatang dalam hutan tu nanti.. tapi agak2 la,, jangan la kalau kau jumpa harimau kau nak pi bunuh dia guna pisau kau tu.. heee... lagi pun, senang la nanti aku nak buat tempat berteduh.. boleh la cantas ape2 yang patut untuk dibuat tempat rehat dan perlindungkan :) 

haaaa.. penat menaip... harap2 sir bacalah.. hehe.. ha,,, ni la 3 benda penting yang aku rasa penting.

** sebenarnya kan, benda ni semua ada kaitan dengan hidup kita nnti.. lagi2 pula  dah nak habis belajar ni kan.. time nak praktikal dan kerja nanti, benda ni lebih kurang je.. kenapa? situasi kat atas, aku cakap kalau terdampar kat pulau kan?? haaa,,, kalau time praktikal, terdampar juga kat company tu kan?? ha sama la.. ape yang penting sekarang,macam mana cara nak survive tu nanti.. bagi aku, lain orang lain perangai dan lain cara memotivasikan diri... kalau akau, akau perlukan family aku.. dorang la pembakar semangat untuk semua benda... haaa... kalau korang??

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

If i Can Turn Back The Time :')

"There have been times, lately, when I dearly wished that I could change the past. Well, I can't, but I can change the present, so that when it becomes the past it will turn out to be a past worth having." -Terry Pratchett, I Shall Wear Midnight

If I could back to the past, I would to go back for the first time I been born on 23rd January 1990. I have many reasons to explain my choice. First, I wish to come back my childhood to remember my happy and impartial time. After many competition in school, university and now, society I realize that childhood is the most beautiful time and place. I want to forget all stressfulness, competition and response in life. And only childhood give us peaceful, it reminds us your games with friends, our parents' sacrifice to give us the best things, our funny and impartial dreams about future job such as: sometimes i wanted to be a rock star, famous actress, doctor, teacher... It is worthwhile to have chance to remember the most beautiful time in whole life.

Another reason is that, I want to fix my faults in the past. It is common knowledge that most of us made some bad things in childhood and this chance help us fix them. I have never forgot one story in my childhood. If I could turn back time I would fix my biggest fault in my childhood and say that:" I love mom".
Going back time is an unreal dream but we have rights to imagine and wish. If I can stop the time and fly through time, I would go back my childhood to have peaceful time, to fix some faults those make my love ones sad. I want my parent proud of me :) because I loves them.

Malaysia Day Speech, 16 Sept 1963

THE great day we have long awaited has come at last – the birth of Malaysia. In a warm spirit or joy and hope, 10 million people of many races in all the States of Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah now join hands in freedom and unity.

We do so because we know that we have come together through our own free will and desire in the true spirit of brotherhood and love of freedom.
We have made our decision after much care and thought, finally arriving at mutual consent by debate and discussion, inquiries and elections held over 2 and a half years.

We can feel proud indeed of the way we have created Malaysia through friendly argument and compromise. The spirit of co-operation and concord is living proof of the desire we share for a common destiny.

What better basis for Malaysia can there be, what finer augury for the future?
The road to nationhood has not been an easy journey. Surprises and disappointments, tension and crisis, have marred the way.

The peoples of Malaysia, however, have endured all trials and tribulations with confidence and patience, calmness and forbearance, with faith in our final goal — Malaysia.

In the first eighteen months of political and constitutional discussions, beginning from May 1961, things went ahead favourably, because the ideal of Malaysia caught the imagination of all the peoples concerned.

We can all recall the remarkable enthusiasm and interest aroused then in the evolution of Malaysia.

Step by step the concept came to life. The activities of the Malaysia Solidarity Consultative Committee, the merger talks between the Federation of Malaya and Singapore, the broad agreement reached in London to establish Malaysia, the appointment of the Cobbold Commission and its exhaustive inquiries in the Borneo Territories, and the subsequent establishment of the Inter-Governmental Committee — all these steps were taken in internal harmony and in full public view.

Suddenly towards the end of 1962 the situation changed. Communist China committed unjustifiable aggression against India. I stood up for democracy and condemned China’s attack.

One immediate reaction was that Communists throughout South-east Asia retaliated by an indirect assault upon me by opposing my idea of Malaysia, and they set about creating every possible difficulty to baulk Malaysia.

Other external complications occurred – the Philippines’ claim to North Borneo, the sudden and abortive revolt in Brunei, and the startling adoption by Indonesia of a policy of confrontation against Malaya.

All these events projected an international crisis in South-east Asia this year, the climax coming in June. The successful meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Malaya, Indonesia and the Philippines, followed by my own conference with President Soekarno in Tokyo eased tension considerably and brought new hopes for harmony and peace.

Prospects for a Summit Conference were good, confrontation from Indonesia subsided, so we went ahead with arrangements for the final talks in London on Malaysia.

The Malaysia Agreement was duly signed in early July. Unexpectedly Indonesia reacted most strongly, renewing its policy of confrontation with the result that the Summit conference of leaders of Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines at the end of July began in an atmosphere of doubt.

The Summit conference ended in an agreement by the three countries to form an Association of States of Malay origin to be known as Maphilindo.

It was agreed that in order that the partners in Maphilindo could welcome Malaysia the United Nations Secretary-General should be asked to ascertain anew the wishes of the peoples of Sarawak and Sabah. That request has not been implemented.

Now finally the peoples of Malaysia are celebrating the establishment of Malaysia. This is the time to think earnestly and hopefully on the future of Malaysia as the whole country resounds with joy.

So I pray that God may bless the nation of Malaysia with eternal peace and happiness for our people.

The Federation of Malaya now passes into history. Let us always remember that the Malayan Nation was formed after many difficulties during a long period of national Emergency, yet its multi-racial society emerged, endured and survived as a successful and progressive nation, a true democracy and an example to the world of harmony and tolerance.

As it was with Malaya, so it can be with Malaysia. With trust in Almighty God, unity of purpose and faith in ourselves, we can make Malaysia a land of prosperity and peace.

In doing so let every Malaysian in all the States of Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah ensure that our Malaysia is truly worthy of the aims and hopes we have shared, the trials and stress, we have endured, in working together to achieve our common destiny.


Thursday, 28 March 2013

British vs American Accents

Heyyy guys,,, let watch this one! which one do you preferred to?? Normally I spoke American with my friends and currently trying to learn British Assent because I do like the way they pronounce word. you might not realize that some words they pronounced slightly different right? 

Come on,, joint me & learn together..   

** They both sweet huh?? hehe.. hoping sooner my English assent will become better.. :D 

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Marriage among Students

Do you think that love and/or marriage has a certain age where it should happen?

I know some of you are married while studying, while some of you are not. I have some friends that are married now or engaged. I have heard a lot of people say that "their too young to get married" or "they are studying" and many other things like that.

Do you think that as long as you are legal, there is an age that is too young to be married and especially while studying? What are your thoughts about marriages among student in IPTA/ IPTS? 

I don't have any problems with students marriages at all, as long as they are for the right reasons. I don't believe in the whole getting married just because someone is pregnant or whatever. If your marrying someone, it should be because you are in love with them and want to spend the rest of your life with them. I also don't really think that love is about age, but maturity. 

** That is my opinion, so how about you guys?? You may leave any comment here.. Thanks ^^

Blood Type & Personality & Studies

Hyeeee guys... Let's try this one! you might know what is you +ve & -ve traits!! Maybe we could change the -ve to +ve.. 

Come On!

Blood Type A:
Positive Traits: Patient, punctual and inclined to be perfectionists.
Worst Traits: Obsessive, stubborn, self conscious and uptight.

Blood Type B:
Best Traits: Animal-loving, creative, flexible, individualistic, optimistic and passionate.
Worst Traits: Forgetful, irresponsible and self-centered.

Blood Type AB: 
Best Traits: Cool, controlled, emphatic, introverted and rational.
Worst Traits: Aloof, critical, indecisive and unforgiving.

Blood Type O: 
Best Traits: Ambitious, athletic, robust and self-confident.
Worst Traits: Arrogant, insensitive, ruthless and vain.

** So, is that telling you the truth?? Only you and the close ones knew it.. hehe ^_^

Test Your Brain!

Hi guys, did you know that that the human brain is one of the most energy hungry organs in the body thereby increasing its vulnerability?? If the energy supply is cut off for 10 minutes, there is permanent brain damage. There is no other organ nearly as sensitive to changes in its energy supply. 

Human able to read even the word are not in the arrangement as long as the first and the last word on their place.

Try this one!! Let see whether your brain is power as mine or not ^^ BEST OF LUCK guys!! 

No. 1

No. 2

**So, how is it guys??? Did you capable to do so?? hehe... I bet yes! Well done... 

Heels among students??

In the UiTM, most of the students preferred to wear heels. This is because, wearing heels make students look more stylish, confident and tall, but it can also cause back pain. 

Did you want to know the advantages and disadvantages of wearing heels?? 
Follow me!! ^_^


  • Tall Look 
  • Style 
  • Good Body Posture 
  • Good looking legs 
  • Complementary to Clothes 


  • Foot pain 
  • Difficulty in walking
  • Back pain 
  • Yellowing  
  • Leg Sprain 

** I didn't says that it's not good to wear heels but you have to make sure, it does not cause pain to you sooner or later. Please take a good care of your health darl. ^^

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Sleep w Contact Lenses?

Contact Lenses

Now a days, wearing contact lenses became trend among students..Contact lenses can cause a variety of eye disorders, depending on the type of contact lens worn, cleaning solutions, hygiene, fit and wearing schedule. According to “The Eye Book,” complications that are caused by contact lenses are reversible. Complications include dry eyes, corneal edema, ulcers, neovascularization, conjunctivitis and infections.

  • Dry Eyes
  • Corneal Edema
  • Corneal Neovascularization
  • Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis
yewwwwwwww.... it's very disgusting & scary!! so, please take a good care of their hygiene if you one of the user..  

Monday, 25 March 2013

Lets Pictures Telling You The Story ^^

This is about our trip to Malacca.. 2 days 1 night. It's not only holiday, we also doing interview session regarding Chetti Community at Malacca.. We having a lots of fun & happy memories.. Hope you like it :D

Malacca is HOTTTT!! keeping the smile only coconut shake, klebang!! 

LUNCH!! asam pedas Malacca.. Superb!

It's candid yOo!

Interview Session ( Kampung Chetti ) thanks Mr Nada :)

Doa.. May Allah always protecting us.. AMIN~~~

Taming Sari :D

Coconut Shake Klebang.. Best in Town!

Using the Old Iron as a Telephone?? :D haha
11 of us!! 1 missing cz she's the one snapped this pic! thanks Ister :) 


Waiting Taming Sari .. yeeehaaa Really HOT this time :(

Beach! Yeeaaahaaa

Proud to be Malaysian :D

Breakfast 2nd days

See the horse? It's scared you know

Actress! haha

Tell me maybe?? :)

Ship On the Land 

Dealing w Stress

Do You Stress???

Stress?? Everyone facing different types of stress everyday! Same goes to student.. *sigh... it's bothering you right? This stress may cause from class presentation or taking semester's worth of your toughest subject. It might be happen to you too huh?? 

So, why don't you try these emergency stress stoppers. You may need different stress stoppers for different situations and sometimes it helps to combine them.

  • Count to 10 before you speak.
  • Take three to five deep breaths.
  • Walk away from the stressful situation, and say you'll handle it later.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Don't be afraid to say "I'm sorry" if you make a mistake.
  • Set your watch five to 10 minutes ahead to avoid the stress of being late.
  • Break down big problems into smaller parts. For example, answer one letter or phone call per day, instead of dealing with everything at once.
  • Drive in the slow lane or avoid busy roads to help you stay calm while driving.
  • Smell a rose, hug a loved one or smile at your neighbor.
Other than that, you might also change from negative thinking to positive thinking ^^ try this one!! 

                       Negative                                                            Positive
                "I can't do this."                                          "I'll do the best I can."
   "Everything is going wrong."     "I can handle things if I take one step at a time."
   "I hate it when this happens."        "I know how to deal with this; I've done it before."

My Heart & Soul

Dear Mama & Ayah... There is NO word that can describe what do you mean to me -__- . There is nothing that I can repay for what you've done to me. There's no-one that could replace both of you.. There's no-way to regret being your child. There's no imagination what I would be without you. I'm so sorry to make you sad and disappointed. I'm so sorry that I always spend you money. I'm so sorry that I am mad every time you don't let me to do something that I want. I'm so sorry for everything that I can't remember one by one. In the end, i just wanna say massive thank you and sorry. I have one promise for you, " I'll make you proud someday.. InsyaAllah " :)

Thursday, 21 March 2013

First Swimming Class

Okay so by right i joined swimming class, a lots of new things i gotta learn here, thank Allah. Swimming class, meeting other people ,meeting Kak Ella (instructor) , etc~~
But unfortunately, just as expected, my first swimming class which is conducted at UiTM Shah Alam main campus swimming complex, it was not that horrible, or shall I say, i'm not the worst among others hehe..but nevertheless, it was something i enjoy! i do. It was so fun actually even u know that u may not have what it takes to be a good swimmer, or at least, someone who COULD swim at the most basic level. Btw, with my minuscule religious knowledge, ain't that swimming is Sunnah? 

UiTM Di Hatiku

Swimming Apparel Rule ^^
Yeeeehaaa! Pool